Digital lecture seminar


  • Ulrike Gebhardt TU Dresden
  • Micha Sebastian Schuster TU Dresden
  • Michael Beitelschmidt TU Dresden
  • Thomas Wallmersperger TU Dresden
  • Jochen Fröhlich TU Dresden
  • Stefan Odenbach TU Dresden
  • Markus Kästner TU Dresden



Lecture seminars typically take place in in-person sessions. The corona-related lockdown in the summer semester 2020 forced all courses into the virtual room. This paper presents the necessary adaptations in three different lecture seminars at the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering at the TU Dresden for implementation under contact restrictions and evaluates which learning objectives could be achieved with the chosen formats in each case. Special attention is also paid to the content and presentation of the introductory lecture, in which students are given tips for successful lecture preparation and performance during the presentation. These had to be transferred and adapted to virtual lectures.

The insight into which learning objectives were achieved and which were not, but also which advantages a virtual lecture seminar offers, should provide incentives and hints for the design of future formats.

The insight into which learning objectives were achieved and which were not, but also which advantages a virtual delivery offers, should provide incentives and hints for the design of future formats.


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CMS-Literaturseminar: Modulbeschreibung ( (zugegriffen am: 14.05.2021)

Präsentationsseminar: YouTube Einführung ( (zugegriffen am 26.05.2021)

GoTo Meeting ( (zugegriffen am: 14.05.2021)

Online-Plattform für Akademisches Lehren und Lernen (OPAL) ( (zugegriffen am: 14.05.2021)

Title slide for a presentation seminar




