The (Scientific) Digital Culture


  • Alexander Lasch TU Dresden



Talking about a "digital culture" ([7] Stalder 2019, also: the digital condition) regularly causes a stir in universities. The phrase causes irritation insofar as it implies that there is an upheaval, a replacement, the consequence of which is that the university as we know it will henceforth cease to exist. The opposite is true - because if you can do one thing, it does not mean at the same time that you have to leave the other ([1] Lasch 2020). In my short contribution, I would therefore like to (1) explain this phrase, (2) apply it to our communitas university, and (3) present a project that can be established precisely when university as universitas is understood in a comprehensive sense as an institution of a "(scientific) digital culture" ([2] Lasch & Schoop 2021): "virTUos" (Virtual Teaching and Learning at the TU Dresden in an Open Source Context).


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Lasch A (2020): Partizipationswunsch oder Prokrastinationsverdacht? Wissenschaftsvermittlung auf Blogs. In: Marx K, Lobin H & Schmidt A (Hg.): Deutsch in Sozialen Medien. Interaktiv - multimodal - vielfältig (Jahrbuch des IDS 2019). Berlin, Boston: De Gruyter, 233-245.

Lasch A & Schoop E (2021): Beispiele des kollaborativen Lernens im virtuellen Raum und Ausblick einer Lernkultur der Digitalität. In: Zukunft Bildung. Fachimpulse der virtuellen Bildungskonferenz 2020 (Microsoft Envision Education 2020). 63-72. Online verfügbar.

Pfeiffer M et al. (2018): IMHOTEP: virtual reality framework for surgical applications. In: IJCARS 13, 741-748.

Redecker C & Punie Y (2017): European Framework for the Digital Competence of Educators (DigCompEdu). Luxembourg.

Röhle A, Horneff H & Willemer MC (2021): Praktische Lehre im Medizinstudium in Zeiten von COVID-19. Bericht über die COVID-19-bedingte Umgestaltung der peergestützten Lehre im Skillslab mithilfe eines Inverted Classroom Formats. In: GMS J Med Educ 38(1).

Schoop E, Clauss A & Safavi A (2020): A Framework to Boost Virtual Exchange through International Virtual Collaborative Learning: The German-Iranian Example. In: Virtual Exchange Borderless Mobility between the European Higher Education Area and Regions Beyond. Bonn. Stand: 15.02.2021.

Stalder F (2019). Kultur der Digitalität. Berlin: Suhrkamp.

Logo of the virTUos project




