Teaching at schools and universities in times of a pandemic - A field report from the perspective of physics didactics
The limitations of face-to-face teaching are a particular challenge for experimental sciences such as physics. In this paper, we will present some tools and methods that have proven successful in the preparation of prospective physics teachers. We will look separately at the different types of courses (lectures, seminars, practical labs) and discuss how they can be implemented in an online format. Tools such as Zoom, Ilias, Mural etc. can support cooperative learning groups in particular, which are especially useful in online teaching to ensure a minimum of social interaction. We also introduce methods that lead to students' more reflective engagement with the content of the course. Finally, we discuss the problems of online examinations, where a compromise has to be found between the best possible supervision and the preservation of privacy. Here we suggest possible solutions that have already proven themselves in practice.
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