Study 2.0 - Presence, Digital or Hybrid?


  • Melanie Fiedler TU Dresden
  • Janis Kaliske TU Dresden
  • Markus Kästner TU Dresden



Until 2019, the title question was still easy to answer. Events at TU Dresden were usually face-to-face, and there were rarely any documents or courses that made digital or hybrid studying possible. Since the beginning of the corona pandemic, however, the picture at TU Dresden has changed significantly. A digital campus has emerged alongside the classroom campus, opening up new perspectives and opportunities for students and teachers. In the future, therefore, it will be necessary to consider how this new campus can be used when face-to-face teaching is possible again. This publication highlights the advantages and disadvantages of synchronous and asynchronous digital teaching and shows scenarios of how hybrid teaching could be realized at the TU Dresden in the future.


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Development of the learning environment

