Digital skills for humanities and social science students. Benefits of a Blended Learning format for teaching programming skills
Blended Learning, Programmierkenntnisse, Digital Humanities, Digital Social SciencesAbstract
The humanities and social sciences (HSS) are subject to a digital turn. Scientists can now access relevant data in great quantities from the internet and by digitizing analog data sources. This new bulk of data both enables and requires the use of quantitative methods. While low-threshold software does exist for specific steps within digital HSS research, these tools are of limited use in that they predefine how researchers can interact with their data. With basic programming skills, researchers can overcome this constraint and pursue their research goals much more flexibly. Therefore, the Chair of Applied Linguistics has long been offering a programming course. This course targets the specific needs of students of linguistics and has continuously been improved in this regard. Especially switching to a Blended Learning format, primarily using video tutorials, has proven to be an adequate setting: Students can study materials at their own pace wherever and whenever they wish. This article provides a detailed account of how programming skills can be taught to students of linguistics, discussing the (dis)advantages of the implemented Blended Learning format and giving an outlook on an ongoing project which aims at optimizing the course and extending it to students of other HSS.
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