Promotion of self and methodological competence in the digital biomechanics practical course
With the adaptation of university teaching to the digital space, various concepts for lecture and seminar formats have been developed, implemented and evaluated. Special attention is therefore now being paid to formats whose focus is on practical learning experiences. A contradiction arises from the plan to move internship events into the digital space, which will be clarified in the following by explaining previous internships in the Chair of Biomaterials at TU Dresden.
Based on this consideration, a learning workshop on the topic of "Biomechanics in everyday life" was developed, taking into account the limitations and possibilities of the digital space. The goal of the digital learning workshop is a competence-oriented practical learning experience for the acquisition of self- and methodological competence, in comparison to subject competence-driven classroom teaching. The learning workshop was implemented in the Materials Science module (2nd semester) as a synchronous digital practical course with asynchronous activity phases. First, the implementation of the learning workshop based on project management approaches is explained. This resulted in an individually completed project processing by the students. The final findings from the supervision of the teaching format lead to the outlook for a course that links the elements of project management with the subject content.
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