Findings from tutorial work under pandemic conditions
Tutorin, Tutor, Tutorium, Übungsleitende, Tutorienarbeit, Qualifizierung, Praktikumsleitende, TutorenschulungAbstract
This paper highlights findings in tutorial work at the TU Dresden during the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic, which are based on experiences in qualification measures on the one hand and on evaluation results on the other hand. Among other things, these are presented and discussed in the article. New challenges arose for tutors and thus also a changed variety of tasks: larger groups, online tutorials, stimulating interaction - to name only the most important ones here. Supporting factors were above all the tutors, a stable employment relationship and psychological, methodical support in crises and difficult situations, as well as appreciation and motivation through targeted qualification. In addition to the findings and the changed variety of tasks during the pandemic, this article highlights the potentials of tutorial work, support options for tutors and conclusions for the post-pandemic semesters regarding the qualification of tutors.
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Positionspapier: Tutorienarbeit an Hochschulen. (Beschlossen auf dem Netzwerktreffen am 13.03.2018 in Würzburg).
TUTORING - Qualifizierung für Fachtutorinnen und Fachtutoren aller Studiengänge