Cheating in Higher Education Teaching: Classification of the current situation at TU Dresden and derived possibilities for action


  • Anne Jantos TU Dresden
  • Claudia Böhm TU Dresden
  • Kira Lauber TU Dresden



Since the summer semester of 2020, exams at TU Dresden, as well as at almost all German and international universities, have been conducted digitally for the most part. This change in the examination landscape, also at TU Dresden, has inevitably brought with it already known, but also new questions about the planning and implementation of fraud-proof (digital) examinations. Discussions on the prevention, detection, or sanctioning of attempted cheating are sometimes passionate, but require an evidence-based foundation in order to adequately assess the situation and derive possible courses of action. In the following, existing findings on the current situation from surveys at the TU Dresden as well as (inter-)nationally are presented in bundled form, the TUD and one faculty at the TUD are put under the microscope and possibilities for action are derived as well as aspects of the topic to be included are discussed. This article in no way expresses a general suspicion of cheating in digital exams against students. The aim is to look at the issue of attempted cheating in digital exams from a scientific and didactic perspective.


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Reasons for cheating

