10 years thermoE - A survey of the online-based support of the basic lecture thermodynamics


  • Cornelia Breitkopf TU Dresden




Thermodynamics as basic subject for mechanical engineers faces certain challenges due to the heterogeneity of students, a high number of lecture participants, a rigid syllabus without consideration of practical training as well as a limited number of teaching staff. Therefore, an online-based teaching tool has been developed since 2012, which comprises up to now a feedback-controlled e-assessment, virtual practical courses, a barrier-free lecture script and an online final test. A consequent use of the assessment during the semester by students resulted in improved marks in written exams and less student fail. Some selected examples are presented here, which are representative for the general approach of the chair to provide online-based and skill-oriented lectures using all digitally possible tools.


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Breitkopf, C: Development of a competence-oriented e-assessment for the subject technical thermodynamics - thermoE. Presentation at 11th Workshop on E-Learning Leipzig, 29.9.2013.

Breitkopf, C.: thermoE - Eine online-basierte Prüfung für das Fach Technische Thermodynamik. Presentation at OLAT User Day, Dresden, 6.11.2013.

Breitkopf, C.: Presentation of the project thermoE - Development of a competence-oriented e-assessment for the subject Technical Thermodynamics. Presentation at project meeting of the network of Saxon universities of applied sciences and universities on online mathematics, Chemnitz, 11.03.2014.

Breitkopf, C.: Experiences in the context of the implementation of e-assessment in the lecture Technical Thermodynamics in WS 2013/14 and WS 2014/15. Presentation at the Joint Meeting of the Working Groups "Mathematics/Physics + E-Learning" and "Innovative Teaching in Computer Science and Natural Sciences", Zwickau, 04.03.2015.

Freudenreich, Ronny, Lorenz, Torsten, Pachtmann, Katrin, Breitkopf, Cornelia, Kretzschmar, Hans-Joachim & Köhler, Thomas. (2014): thermoE - Development of an online-based e-assessment in ONYX using the example of technical thermodynamics. Proceedings of the Workshop on eLearning 2014.HS Zittau/Görlitz, 63-74.

Freudenreich, R.; Kretzschmar, H.-J.; Breitkopf, C.: E-Assess-MINT - Elektronische Übungen im MINT-Bereich. Proceedings 14th Workshop on e-Learning, Görlitz pp. 49-58, September 22, 2016.

Breitkopf, C.; Grau Turuelo, C.; Banos García, O.: thermoEint: Building E-Assessment Content for the Integration and Success of International Students in STEM Fields. EUNIS 2017 Congress Proceedings.

Breitkopf, C.; Freudenreich, R.; Kretzschmar, H.-J.; Herrmann, S.; Umlauft, T.: Erfolgsmodell Facharbeitskreis Technische Thermodynamik Sachsen. HDS. Journal, 2020, 2020,1, 34-37.

Breitkopf, C.; Pinnau, S.; Lorenz, T.: VirtuaLab - Das virtuelle Labor - Aufbau einer interaktiven Lernplattform für Praktika der Thermodynamik. HDS. Journal, 2020, 2020,2, pp. 32-40.

Breitkopf, C. et al.: Thesenpapier zur digitalen Hochschulbildung. Hochschuldidaktisches Zentrum Sachsen, Universität Leipzig + Arbeitskreis E-Learning der Landesrektorenkonferenz Sachsen (2021).

Breitkopf, C., Grau, C., Pinnau, S., Lorenz, T.: Virtuelle Praktikumsplattform Thermodynamik. Workshop on e-Learning WEL Görlitz, presentation. 22.9. 2022 . https://zfe.hszg.de/wel-1

Comparison of grade distribution with and without participation in the E-assesment

