Saxonian Joint Project D2C2 “Implementing Participatory and Discipline-Specific Approaches to Digitalization at the University: Competencies Connected”

Didactic Insights into (partially) Digitalized Workshops and Laboratories


  • Julia Franke TU Dresden
  • Gesine Wegner TU Dresden



The project "D2C2 - Digitization in Disciplines - Participative Implementation :: Competencies Connected" aims to learn from the experiences of the Covid 19 pandemic and to further develop digitization in teaching on the basis of evidence. Ten Saxon universities and the BA Sachsen are addressing the central challenges of (partially) digitized teaching. In this context, TU Dresden and HTW Dresden are focusing on teaching in (partially) digitized laboratories and workshops. The goal is to address the needs of Saxon students and teachers and to actively support the latter in further developing their teaching in laboratories and workshops. This article is dedicated to some theoretical basics of didactics in (partially) digitized workshops and laboratories with a focus on the teaching format internship. It differentiates the different levels of digitization that should be considered in the workshop or lab practical and in its didactic implementation. The different levels are illustrated by references to good practice examples.


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Quick survey on the greatest challenges for digitalized lab courses

