Development and analysis of the evaluation of Praktika@home


  • Caroline Wermann TU Dresden
  • Beatrice Schlegel TU Dresden
  • Stefan Odenbach TU Dresden



Due to the Corona pandemic, many courses were converted to new formats, often at short notice and without the possibility of structured testing. In the Measuring and Automation Technology module, the Praktika@home were developed, which are conducted according to the blended learning concept.  A questionnaire was developed, to evaluate how well the teaching offer supports the students in achieving the learning objectives. The design and evaluation of the results are described and critically discussed on the basis of the experiment 'strain measurement', which was conducted for the first time in the summer semester 2022.

The results of the evaluation show that the supervision concept during the practical course needs to be revised. Starting points for this change could be identified by evaluating  the free text comments, which were used extensively by the students. . Furthermore, it can be deduced that a better coordination between lecture and practical course is necessary. Finally, suggestions for improving the questionnaire were developed.


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Survey for the intermediate consultations

