The effects of peer observation on the quality of a tutorial:
A case study
Tutorial work, Tutorial, Tutor, Hospitation, Peer case consultation, case study, peer hospitation, blind spotAbstract
This article uses a case study to illustrate the structured approach to (peer) observation. First, it shows how peer lead observation can support specialist teaching. Subsequently, the general effects of peer observation and possible observation aspects are presented. This form of quality assurance in tutorial teaching enables an exchange at eye level in the form of collegial observation at peer level. This allows "blind spots" in one's own teaching activities to be addressed transparently in the feedback discussion. The possible discrepancy between self-perception and external perception (of teaching activities) is also broken through the change of perspective. Specific observations and assistance are presented in the case study.
With the help of observation and a subsequent feedback discussion, these didactic adjustments can be uncovered and one's own teaching style can be changed for the better by applying the adjustments. At the same time, didactically well-executed teaching at peer level has a motivating effect that encourages students to attend courses in person again.
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