The Orientation Programme at the Technische Universität Dresden
Survey Results on the Concept
Orientation Program, STEM, SurveyAbstract
The increasing diversification of study programmes is one of many challenges when choosing the right degree programme. An orientation programme enables participants to explore various degree programmes over the course of up to two semesters and to take a closer look at their individual interests and abilities. The orientation programme at the Technische Universität Dresden acts as a preparatory programme prior to regular studies and offers a wide range of events as well as mentoring and coaching support to facilitate an informed and motivated study decision. Before the start of the first cohort, 2043 people were asked about the current status of the concept by means of an online survey. The results were used to further develop the concept and to research the reasons and backgrounds for interest in an orientation programme. Around 90 per cent of participants consider it to be a useful offer and agree or tend to agree with the statement that the orientation programme can be helpful in deciding for or against a degree course. The article picks up on these and other results after introducing the concept of the orientation programme.
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