Vol. 4 No. 1/2 (2024): Lessons Learned

Cover image of the fourth volume of the Lessons Learned Journal

The fourth volume of the Lessons Learned Journal is arriving late and comes as a not overly thick double issue. Some articles have been on hold for a long time until they were finally published, but the circumstances of the past few months have not been easy and have led to various delays. The extremely high workload in the academic sector is noticeable everywhere – articles are delayed, reviews take longer than expected, and the one-person editorial team of the Lessons Learned Journal cannot compensate for everything that does not immediately go as planned.

Part of this overload is undoubtedly due to the changing conditions in teaching. The effects of the COVID-19 pandemic are still being felt. The refusal of in-person attendance, which is noticeable among many students, worries educators just as much as the increasingly common psychological problems that more and more students are struggling with. This is concerning, but at the same time, it drives the development of new teaching concepts, some of which we will introduce in this issue.

The fifth volume is already in preparation, and it will hopefully include the results of the sixth Lessons Learned Conference. Moreover, since the progress in teaching continues, I can already invite you to the seventh Lessons Learned Conference, which will take place in the summer of 2025. We hope it will – like the previous conferences – have a visible impact on the development of academic teaching and the enjoyment that can come with this progress.

Stefan Odenbach

Published: 2024-12-24